Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Well, I'm finally on page 100 of Monkeewrench (as you can tell I haven't been reading as much as I should). I previously posted that the book was not making that much sense to me, but now it is. They linked the game designers to the police and detectives. Although, the book doesn't start getting interesting until that happens. But overall, this is a very good book and sometime in the future I wouldn't have a problem reading it again.

Monday, March 23, 2009


I'm still on the book Monkeewrench. However, I'm not enjoying it as much as I thought I would. Each chapter is about a different group of people. One chapter will be about the police investigating a murder, the next will be about the game designers. Plus, with all of the names, personally for me it's hard to keep track of what is going on.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry

I read Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry by Mildred D. Taylor. This book takes place in the times where African-Americans were considered considerably lesser humans than Caucasians. Nightriders, arson, lynching all in the course of one long, cold year, nine year old Cassie Logan's family is traumatized by inequality and racism in their small Mississippi town. Roll of Thunder is one of the best books I've ever read. This book has it all, action, suspense, and history. My favorite part in the book is near the end. It's a dark and cold night. Then a thunder storm starts, and lightning strikes a near by tree and causes a fire. However, everyone was to occupied with T.J and his issues (people were beating him up) they paid no attention until they were told about it. In order to save the city everyone, blacks and whites have to work together in order to put the fire out.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Monkeewrench by P.J. Tracy

I'm currently reading a book called Monkeewrench. This is P.J. Tracy's debut novel and it is an exciting thriller, filled with misdirection and secret agendas. Grace is constantly on guard 24/7 because she escaped from a killer several years ago but she has no peace because he was never caught. Monkeewrench, which is about a computer game which inspires a serial killer. This is just the kind of book I find interesting, it's full of action, and keeps you wanting to read to the next page. By the third page, two people have already been killed.
"What was troubling the Klienfeldt's this morning was not the suspected presence of homosexuals in the parish, but the undisputable presence of two tiny bullet holes in the backs of their skulls."
In Minneapolis, Minnesota, five friends decide to create a computer company called Monkeewrench. There first game is called Serial Killer Detective, which they do a beta test on the net. Life is connected with this game, people both in the game and in life are dying exactly the same way, then the creator or Monkeewrench finds herself the next target of the serial killer.